The following is word by word reproduction of what the Satguru Deva was pleased to tell me at 10:30 p.m. on September 26, 1952 and I have craved his indulgence to permit the sharing of my treasure with one and all of you, good readers. You would do well to reflect on the following Truth. Feel and fill yourself with it by silent meditation for as many hours, nay as many days and months or even years, until You are That.

- V.T. Neelakantan, author of "The Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy"

"I am Existence-Knowledge-Bliss absolute. I am That by very nature. I cannot be anything else but that as I am That alone without a beginning and an end. It is My real innate nature. I am the Absolute and Supreme Self, both within and without the finitude. I am Truth, eternal and everlasting. I am the only One, all in Myself: None exists save I in and through all that exist. I am ever All-Existence itself, I am the changeless One in the midst of all changes. I am the Formless in all forms. Change is linked up with form and form is labeled with change, but I am beyond the two. I am not susceptible to all the ills of the flesh that exist crawling under the feet of form and change. I am the monistic unity here, there, and everywhere and at all times - nay, for all times. Where is happiness except in perfect realization of the One without a second?

I feel I am all happiness itself. All Bliss I am. All joy I am. It is only My Bliss that is being felt and enjoyed by everyone in a dimmer or brighter magnitude, consciously or unconsciously. All Bliss is Infinity and Infinity alone is all Bliss. I am, indeed Brahman, the basic principle, from which the whole universe seems to have come. I am the same in each and everything. I am all peace and all calm within myself. I am of the nature of Being, Brightness and Bliss Absolute. There is not even an iota of doubt about this.

This is My eternal Truth. I am the One monistic Permanent Entity in the whole world which is made up of broken fragments of delusion, of fickle and fleeting modifications and of the glitter of fool's gold. I seat Myself in the very heart of delusion undeluded. I am ever steady and steadfast in all its tumblings and stumblings. I am always firm in all its fleetings. I am the One eternal Truth in all falsehood. I am the pure Bliss of Perfect Freedom. I am the simple life of Eternity. I am the one Light of everlasting Truth. I am the virgin love of Immortality. I am the essence of all-pervading Infinity. I am the sole breath of all nature. I am Truth, Freedom, Life, Light, and Love. I am Eternity, Immortality, and Infinity.

I am One without a Second, the one All and the All in All. I am the Supreme wisdom unconcerned with all the trade that Jiva carries on with the Jagath. I am the subtlest of the subtle, an embodiment of indivisibility Itself. Eternal knower am I of the triplet, namely subject, object and their relation and also I am their fundamental background on which they express themselves on the relative plane and dissolve themselves in the absolute plane.

I shine in the sun and the moon and the stars and the whole universe. I am the sun of suns, shining in the sun up above. I am the crystal light in the sun and the virgin purity in the moon. I am the twinkling spark in the star and the sustaining principle in the universe. I shine, the sun shines. The sun warmly whispers unto Me of My eternal Presence in it. I am really all Myself in everything - the sun, the moon, the stars and the whole cosmos. I am Atman without a form, incapable of division and of everlasting Bliss. I am ever immaculate. I am the all pervading One, unlimited by time, unbounded by space, pure and holy by my own nature. I am infinite and an abode of immortal knowledge and perfect Freedom. I am the Absolute, the Eternal Bliss, pervading everywhere within and without. I am the only One, pure unchangeable and uniform essence or entity, birthless and deathless.

I am the everlasting principle of dynamic existence beyond the reach of imagination, destitute of all duality and unity. I am neither inaccessible nor accessible to knowledge, neither bound nor free and neither a doer nor an enjoyer. I am the One and the All and I am ever All-Myself. None else exists. I am He, the monistic uncontradictable, attributeless Bliss. I am beyond concentration, meditation, Yoga, and all other practices. I am indivisible and of the nature of the self-resplendent consciousness. I am the consciousness of the Reality, which does not admit to differentiation. I alone am all-inclusive, constitute the ultimate goal and self-consciousness, pure and simple. I am absolutely non-dual in my nature.

I am, indeed, Brahman, without difference, without change and of the nature of Reality. Knowledge and Bliss. I am the living ocean of Ecstasy that rages wild and surges and storms and levels down the earth and heavens. I send such continuous wave after wave of inarticulate Ecstasy into the world drowning deep and scattering all its thoughts and cares. I beat in every breast, see in every eye, throb in every pulse, smile in every flower, shine in the lightning and roar in the thunder. I flutter in the leaves, I hiss in the winds, and I roll in the surging seas. I am the wisdom of the wise, the Strength of the strong, and the Heroism of the heroic. I am the very life of Infinity, both within and without. I am the One in all and the All in one. I am the Impersonal Personality of the whole universe.

What can make Me afraid? I care not for nature's laws. Death is a joke to me and I am the death of death. I am the Infinite, the Eternal, and the Immortal Self. Me no fire can burn, no water dissolve, no air dry, and no sword pierce, I am that Supreme Self before whose magnitude the suns and moons and all their systems appear as insignificant specks in the ocean and before whose glory space melts away into nothingness, time vanishes into non-existence, and causation dwindles into emptiness. Ranging beyond names and forms, passing free into woods and forests, mountains and rivers, into day and night, clouds and stars, passing free into men and women, animals and angels, as the self of each and all, am I. Truth flows from Me just as light radiates from the sun and fragrance emanates from a flower. Sometimes it rushes and envelopes all, rumbling and thundering, shaking and waking the world into the true import of life. I fill and thrill the whole world with this one truth of Freedom, My Godhead.

I am the transcendental Bliss, the Absolute intelligence, the Supreme Synthesis of Consciousness that shines in the shrine of every heart. I am the divine inner harmony of the universe in the unruffled stillness of the soul. I am the one music of all life in the deepest depths. I am the immutable and indescribable Atman, the dynamic principle of Existence and the infinite ocean of everlasting Glee. In my presence all hells and heavens are effaced into shadowy nothingness and the whole universe is a mere bubble ever ready to burst."

Kriya Babaji "Babaji's Masterkey to All Ills"


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